Are you having trouble finding your purpose? You are not alone. Too many people have lost countless nights of sleep trying to figure out their meaning in life. If you think about it, that’s totally understandable. After all, finding your purpose is not an easy task. You have to put in the effort and time to realize what you are meant to do. Plus, if you realize that you are on the wrong path, working towards the wrong purpose, you will have to rework your whole life. That’s a scary thought in itself.
But no matter how hard the question is or how scary it might seem, it is one that you may want to uncover sooner or later. Without the answer, no matter what you achieve, you might feel empty on the inside. Many people, despite having the perfect career, tons of wealth, and loving friends and family, feel like something is missing. That’s because they don’t know what their true purpose is.
Thankfully, though, there are many things you can do to discover your purpose. Below, we’ll take a look at five of the most effective tips.
1. Explore Your Passions
Spiritual gurus often say that everything you need to know is within you. This is especially true when you are trying to discover what you are meant to do in life. So, look inwards and try to figure out what you are passionate about. What are the things that make you truly happy and content? It could be cooking, playing a musical instrument, creative writing, making artworks, and so on. Chances are, you will find your purpose in one of your passions.
2. Read Books
Nothing expands the mind more than reading. It broadens your horizon and helps you discover new things. As far as finding your purpose is concerned, this is quite crucial. Reading can offer different perspectives, allows you to be insightful and helps you to reflect on personal experiences. You may not even realize something is your purpose until you read about another individuals search for finding their own. Additionally, reading allows you to discover things you never knew existed. For example, let’s say your purpose in life is being a spiritual coach. But if you didn’t even know that something called “spiritual coaching” exists, how could you ever find it as your purpose? Self-help books have always been key to helping me look internally and find myself. Here is a collection of some of my favorite motivational books.
3. Surround Yourself With Positive People
The people around you have a huge influence on you. It is said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. So, it is only obvious that you should surround yourself with positive and purpose-driven people. Their positive and growth mindset will rub off on you, and you will be inspired to reach for higher peaks. Who knows, you might even find your purpose through them! You never know which person can play an instrumental role in shaping your life.
4. Join A Cause
A lot of people realize that they are at their best when they are serving other people or a higher cause. To them, material things don’t matter nearly as much as making a difference in other people’s lives. If you relate to this, you should join a cause. You could participate in a community charity event, contribute to an environmental awareness program, organize a drive to help homeless people or even start your own non-profit organization.
5. Listen To Podcasts
For people who do not have the time to sit down and read, podcasts are the next best thing (if not better). Because podcasts do not require anything but your ears, they are great for multi-taskers or those who are on-the-go. You can listen while you workout, prepare dinner or get the kids ready for bed time. You are able to learn about topics directly from the experts in that field. It is very inspiring to hear stories about elevation from people who started at the bottom or even at the very place you are in your life right now. Click here to read about my favorite motivational podcasts right now.
6. Play To Your Strengths
Every person is blessed with a set of capabilities. These capabilities are what make the person unique. So, it only makes sense to develop these capabilities into skills that can lead to something greater. If you are great at playing a sport, practice it every day and join a team. If you are great at making art, practice it as much as you can and showcase your creativity to the world. If public speaking is a strength of yours, you could start a Youtube channel or podcast to broadcast your messaging to the masses. It could very well be that you were born with these talents so that you could be led to your purpose through them.
Final Thoughts
Finding your purpose in life is paramount in order to live a happy, content, and fulfilled life. Without it, you will always feel like there is something missing, no matter how much success you manage to achieve. Thankfully, there are tons of things you can do to get a sense of your purpose. You just have to look inward to eventually realize what you are meant to do in life.