Are you in need of some affirmations for self-worth?
Self-worth is one of the most important concepts of our lives. It is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a feeling that you are a good person who deserves to be treated with respect”. Self-worth allows you to value your own thoughts, feelings and behaviors without feeling negatively about yourself.
Unfortunately, many mothers struggle with feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy during their pregnancy and after giving birth. This can be due to a number of factors, such as the physical changes women experience during pregnancy, society’s portrayal of motherhood, postpartum depression, or simply feeling overwhelmed by the new responsibilities that come with being a parent.
If you’re struggling with self-worth issues, don’t worry – you are not alone. These affirmations can help you build your confidence and remind you of your intrinsic value. Make it a routine to repeat them to yourself every day, and watch the glow up!
I Am Valuable
This confirms that you are essential and of great value irrespective of what is happening, and it prevents you from seeing yourself as anyone less.
I Appreciate Who I Am
This is all about understanding and accepting who you are and how you have been created. It gives you the strength and confidence to tackle every situation or problem that comes your way. It affirms that not attack on your character will prevail.
I Deserve to Be Happy
You deserve all the happiness that you can get, and therefore, anything that will come between you and your joy is not worth your worries.
My Future is Incredibly Bright
It’s one of the best ways to instill hope and focus on improving yourself. You need to constantly tell yourself that your future is bright to know that your life is meaningful.
I Am Grateful for My Body, I Am Proud of My Body
This affirmation is especially beneficial for mothers who struggle with body shame. The truth is, your body has done something incredible. It has carried and nurtured a life. That is something to be proud of!
I Am at Peace with My Past Failures and Mistakes
This does not give room for past mistakes to define who you are but instead, allows you to be defined by what you believe.
I Am a Good Person, and I Don’t Need to Prove It to Anyone
You are not obligated to prove to anyone who you are, and this relieves you of the pressure of working hard to get acceptance from other people.
I Am My Children’s Safe Place
This will help you believe that there is no better mother for your children than yourself. It helps you appreciate the value that you bring to your family and your children.
I am an Amazing Role Model for My Children
This reinforces the value that you should bestow upon yourself. Trust that your children look up to you as an example because of who you are.
Final Take Away
What are your beliefs about yourself? Are they of self-love? Use these self-worth affirmations to build yourself up as a capable, lovable mother. The more you say them to yourself, the more they will help build your self-worth and self-esteem.
Can you think of any additional self-worth affirmations? Please comment on this article with some of your favorites!